The morning of the tenth day of the tenth month – twenty sixteen; started here, on a higher construction note than the morning of the fourth day of the tenth month same year.
The boy’s residential unit is our high priority project at the moment, a structure which will be sheltering 40 boys of our home, children and youth who are currently not well sheltered and staying in the old double garage that was converted into a dorm to address the residential.
New Jerusalem Children’s Home truly need your help in giving our children and youth a better roof over their heads, you can make your contribution in any way possible, you can send a track full of: _
Or you can make a cash donation direct into our organisations account: _
Absa |Branch: Midrand | Branch code: 632005 | Account type: Business Current Account | Account type: Business Current Account | Account no: 40-6878-3216 | Account name: New Jerusalem Chidrens Home | Swift code: ABSAZAJJ (for international transactions) Reference: Building followed by your initials and Surname.
New Jerusalem Children’s Home may issue Section 18A receipts for bona fide donations, which allows for donations of up to 10% of taxable income to be deducted from such income, as stated in the Act. NJCH is also classified as Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment organisation under B-BBEE Act, 2003 (Act No. 53 of 2003)
Please feel free to contact our Marketing Communications Manager on | 082 739 5177 | 010 224 0458 for more information.