Plastering work commencing

Anna Mojapelo NJCH Managing Director, Johnnie Mokae GFIA Chief Executive Officer and Sandra Rudman GFIA Financial Manager

On the 30th March 2017; Gobodo Forensic Investigative Accounting donated 60 cubic of plastering sand to New Jerusalem Children’s Home. The donation made by GFIA follows the organisation many requests to the public for a plastering sand and many other building material, to allow the contractors of the ongoing building work of the much needed structure, which will accommodate 40 children and youth of the home once it has been completed.

Over the past few months, New Jerusalem Children’s Home has been calling for support from both corporate communities and individuals to help with the building material of the boys residential unit. The home has, since the initial stages of the building, managed to secure support for many of the building material from cheerful giving hearts from many walks of life. The roof of the structure has been put up, the builders are back on it, with cement and plastering sand – covering and beautify the structure.

“Gobodo Forensic Investigative Accounting answered the organisations call and made a donation towards the plastering sand and the finishing of the brick work. We have seen it fit to support with the plastering need after we understood the psychological impact and positive energies this building holds for the children and youth of this organisation”. Said Johnnie Mokae the Chief Executive Officer of Gobodo Forensic Investigative Accounting. “We are no strangers to NJCH – we have been there for them in many occasions, its easier to take their hand and help them for their work is heart-warming”, he added. “All corporate communities can certainly join us and assist the home with many other building material they will be calling for. He said with a smile on his face”.

New Jerusalem Children’s Home; has 88 children and youth in it care. In the year 2012 the home officially opened a container house, which was aimed at sheltering 40 children and youth, the structure – container house has become sufficient to accommodate 40 girls cared for by the organisation. Boys of the home were than sheltered in an old double garage, which was converted into dormitory to provide sheltering for the boys. Between the years 2012 and 2015, the old double garage became overcrowded as children grow. The overcrowding has proved to be affecting children psychologically, their educational performance, and social interaction – to name a few of the challenges faced by the home while accommodating children in an old double garage. It is vital for the home to adequately shelter all children of the home, to eliminate future negativities, which might originate from the psychological impact of the overcrowding. Said Anna Mojapelo – Managing Director of New Jerusalem Children’s Home.

With the plastering work underway, we are asking for your help with the finishing material of the structure. It is now evident, we are closer to giving the boys a structure they have been waiting for – a roof over their head which will allow them a breath of confidence. May you please assist us with: a river sand, electrical wiring, plumbing tubes, toilets seats, showers, celling boards, tiles and glazing… With all the requested finishing attained, we would be able to say “please get your painting expertise ready to brighten the building”.

Quotations of the above requested materials are available, please contact us and it will be made available to you – Gobodo Forensic Investigative Accounting; your finishing touch in the building work is well received, we thank you.

Mme Anna Mojapelo

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