Am sure you’ve have be wondering or asking yourself “what is happening at New Jerusalem Children’s Home this October” well good things have been happening.
Children of the home have been hard on revisions towards their final year examination and still are till pens-down, which brings me to wishing everyone writing their final year exams the very best of luck in their coming papers, I remember the sleepless nights I once had during my school days, now is time for me to wish all those seating for a final year paper all the best of luck. Staff members of the home is supporting children, being the best they can be in sharing love and guidance with children of the home.
Myself and Board of Directors have been hands on with auditors preparing a transparency report on all things you have trusted us with, starting from groceries to office/home equipment to financial support you have provided to the organisation, am sure you always wish to know how and what your support has brought to New Jerusalem Children’s Home, to me and Board of Directors we always wish to give you as much transparent report as possible simply because your support is strengthening our organisation, this report will be presented on the 17 October 2015 in Gallagher Conversation Centre from 9am to bout 1pm.
One of the most important and close to my heart thing is children’s education, as much as we are heading to a festive period I would like to remind you of the importance of education for our children “Our” I mean your children and children of New Jerusalem Children’s Home, personally I believe you can give a child everything, should education not be part of the many things you gave a child you are only harming a life of a child, with that being said, I wish to call all communities to support our back to school drive, a drive which ask for you to donate one of the following educational vitalities – School bags, school shoes, white shirt, Grey trousers, stationary we have made a list of all school needs for our children and is available to you should you wish to support it, you can still support the drive through a R20,00 donation, copy of a wish-list can be attained from our Public Relations Officer.
I will be talking more at the AGM and I wish you will be there in numbers, please feel free to contact the Secretary of the board on should you wish to attain any information before or after the AGM, like any NPO we are accountable to you and all we wish for is to be an organisation which champion rights of children, this is achievable through your support and you taking part in activities of New Jerusalem Children’s Home.
See you at the AGM.
Anna Mojapelo. CEO