Officially 18 years old

Getting ready for the foundation work of the school building at New Jerusalem Children’s Home, in March 2018.

There is no better feeling than the one we are all feeling right now – here at New Jerusalem Children’s Home – NJCH. The home is officially 18 years old – yes it is. It is said that being 18 years old, means that you are developed and responsible enough tomake life changing decisions and you are responsible enough to voice for the future you need, we turn to believe the same here at New Jerusalem Children’s Home. Over the past 17 years, our focus as an organisation has been on the residential development, to adequately shelter and give the children and youth a dignified roof over their heads. It gives us joy to let you know that all the children in our care are adequately sheltered, they are all in dignified and child friendly buildings, which you have helped make possible by getting involved in the building projects we have invited you to get involved in and you honoured the invitation by giving.

Now that all the children of the home are adequately sheltered, our focus need to on their future, what they will need to have a better future, tools to use, which will make them positive role players in the society – we are certain that you will agree with us when we say “children need the best and quality education”. New Jerusalem Children’s Home, has been successfully providing the children in a pre-school phase, the best in-house education – a Montessori education, a type of education that is known to be enjoyed by a few who can afford the cost of giving it to their children. NJCH has been offering this child orientated type of education to the children of the home on a free cost and charging a minimal fee to the children coming from the nearby and surrounding communities. One can vividly spot the success of a Montessori education in the children. There is bigger difference in comparing children who have attained Montessori education, with those who have not attained it. The level of reading and writing – child discipline to articulation, has been totally difference and one can safely say “we need Montessori education for all our children.

It is true that majority of the children in grade 6, attending in the public schools – cannot read and write. New Jerusalem Children’s Home – is having the very same challenge with children of the home , we have school result – report cards, written “promoted due to age” – this kind of promotions are more sensitive to our children, given the social background our children find themselves to be in and from – being in an institution – it comes to be more difficult for someone who cannot read or write, they come to be more prejudiced, bullied and or mocked in the learning areas – schools – simply because they cannot read nor write, or let us rather say, not being cut for mainstream education. It because a worrying and disturbing thought when one looks at the future of a child – more those who are cared for by children’s home or from an institutions similar to New Jerusalem Children’s Homes.

It is New Jerusalem Children’s Home, desire to give children the best and quality foundation phase and primary education to children, an education that will prepare the children for their secondary and tertiary education, in reaching the educational desire – the home has started with the building work of a primary school, a building which is situated within walls of the organisation, a building that will be accommodating a total of 210 pupils – more importantly, an educational facility that will better the children’s tomorrow for good, a structure that will allow children to learn and master a Montessori way of doing things, one that will change a path of the orphaned, abandoned, abused, traumatized, vulnerable and HIV positive children and youth to truly being positive socio-economic role players.

The structure comes with many construction needs, currently we have managed to secure enough funds for the foundation, concrete surface-bed and ground floor brick work. New Jerusalem Children’s Home, needs your support for the first floor slab of the school building. The slab is quoted at R553 506.50 (quotations available) – the home needs your assistance. The organisation welcomes any kind of support towards giving of an educational centre to our children and those from the community, you can make a donation or contribution of however much towards the giving of a school to our children.

The quotations for different material and services needed have been collated, are you welcome to have them for your consideration for sponsorship or donation – our current major need might be the slab, however we have a need for doors and window frames, a roof, glasses, ceiling, plumbing, wood flooring and many more other building items.

Your support is all we need to giving our children the quality education they need to make a difference in societies, back when HIV/AIDS was still a stigma and feared disease, many of us never thought that an HIV/AIDS positive child will live long enough to need education – quality education to use in positively impacting lives – now the times are different, we need to give our children tools to be the best in the future – positive and socio-economic role players in the communities. Get involved, pledge your support towards this life changing educational project.


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