Main door of the boy’s residential unit with the installed glasses
How do we thank you, how do we even start to appreciate you – For your positive humbling respond to our request for support, a request we made to you over the past week?
On Monday, 18 September 2017, New Jerusalem Children’s Home, welcomed a sponsorship of glazing, support to cover all the glazing needs of the boys residential unit.
Thursday, 21 Sep 17 – a team of glaziers rolled up their sleeves and started with the installation of glasses, their work will bring the building to 87% completion. The installation of glasses is projected to be completed on Saturday 23 September 2017 – a day before men and women of South Africa celebrates Heritage Day.
New Jerusalem Children’s Home, is thankful – more humbled by the way you have answered our call and helping us with the glasses of this much needed house.
What do we still need, what will be covered by the 13% said to be outstanding?
Plumbing. R55 076, 93 (as per quote)
Copper pipes
PVC pipes
x9 basin taps
x8 shower mixers
x9 toilet seats and flash tanks
x9 basins
Electrical. R49 180, 53 (as per quote)
Main power line – cable
Lights wires
Lights (both interior and security)
Gutters R26 904.00 (as quoted)
Slim tanks – Rain harvest tanks
We would like to get you involved – you can assist with one of the above mentioned or contribute towards any of the needed items above, you can contribute however amount of money or donate any of the mentioned items to New Jerusalem Children’s Home.
Please feel free to contact our Communication and Public Relations department on | 082 739 5177 | 010 224 0459
Thank you for always being there for us.
Dear Board, I can unfortunately not attend due to a prior commitment. I know it will not be the same as being present, but in lieu of my absence, I will again make a small contribution into the New Jerusalem account as I know there will allways be bills to pay..
N Davis SC
Dear Mr Davis
We are truly humbled by your warm heart, we will be sending you an invitation soon, which will be asking for your presence as we open the boys residential unit.
Warm wishes.