The late mother Theresa once said ‘Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today. Let us begin.’ And the late Nelson Mandela equally stated ‘Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world’. Put these two statements together and you will get a small humble children’s home out of Midrand Johannesburg creating ‘forces of good’ in the children it raises through sound education calling for your support today. Thus, the commencement of our 2016 Back to School campaign.
What is this about?
Every Year starting from October through to January of the next year, in a bid to have all New Jerusalem Children’s school ready boasting of new uniforms, books, shoes, stationery and the likes we launch a back to school campaign. Though our backgrounds may be different, I am sure you still remember your time as a student either excited or nervous to resume a new term but definitely confident and happy to be going to school with a new set of school supplies. Our job is to provide the same for this beautiful set of children under our care.
Though we are a children’s home caring for 87 children with limited resources, we ensure through your help that all our children are given the respect and dignity they have a right to by being able to stand confidently at school with all required resources that will aid them in their learning process. We also work tirelessly and continuously aim to eliminate any signs that may contribute or be associated to the stigma of an orphaned child.
What do we need from you? Though we are predominantly flexible to all formats of sponsorships, preferably we would love to have 87 kindhearted people that are willing to sponsor ‘a child’s’ school supplies. To support our back to school campaign we are asking for the following:
School uniforms
School Books
Stationery (notepads, pens, pencils, markers, crayons, erasers)
School Shoes
School Bags
These are all the items that each child needs to have for our back to school campaign to be a success and as a potential donor you are free to commit to any of the following items for any number of children. Oh I didn’t forget, because we know you are a very busy person, we are also open to receiving cash for the purchase of items and can easily provide a cost break down per child.
The timing of this campaign coincides with the festive season, and as God has been so kind to New Jerusalem Children’s Home and its beneficiaries we are blessed to have an inflow of kind hearted individuals willing to show us love through different means over the holidays. With this in mind, when considering how you can help the kids of NJCH, the back to school campaign should be the answer to that question. We appreciate all kind gifts in the form of toys and food but plead with you for the sustained education of our kids that channel your hearts kindness towards the success of this campaign.
For any inquiries around children numbers, ages, sizes, schools and prices or to make any donation towards this campaign please email Communications/Public Relations Office | or alternatively via telephone +27102240460.
Thank you for hearing us out and let us start 2016 in style.