New Jerusalem Children’s Home, material and financial needs towards the completion of the school building.
As once said by Dr. Steve Maraboli “Give freely to the world these gifts of love and compassion. Do not concern yourself with how much you receive in return, just know in your heart it will be returned.”
New Jerusalem Children’s Home – NJCH, needs your assistance, help towards the completion of a primary school block. A Montessori primary school building for the children and youth of NJCH and the community at large.
The construction of New Jerusalem Children’s Home, Montessori primary school building – is halfway towards completion, your hand will take the construction work of the school building further and closer to the completion stage, a step closer to having the children obtaining the authentic Montessori education in a new primary school building in the coming academic circle, January 2019.
The completion of New Jerusalem Children’s Home Montessori educational block, will see New Jerusalem Children’s Home, vision – championing the right of the children, being a reality.
Children and youth, in our care receiving the authentic child and youth care services desired – staying in a better residential facility, which offers life basic needs – a roof over their heads with adequate child space – a child given an opportunity to obtain quality, child sustaining Montessori education in a proper safe and enabling educational structure.
Please get involved and help us complete New Jerusalem Children’s Home Montessori primary school – educational block – building.
You are most welcome to pledge your support, donate/sponsor directly at Absa |Branch: Midrand | Branch code: 632005 | Account type: Business Current Account | Account type: Business Current Account | Account no: 40-6878-3216 | Account name: New Jerusalem Chidrens Home | Swift code: ABSAZAJJ (for international transactions)