Children of the home playing with flower petals on spring day
We think, it is only right to answer a question asked by many of you, a question we strongly believe might align our relationship–partnership much better with you in the coming year, a question many of you posed to us being – how did the year treat New Jerusalem Children’s Home, as an organisation that depends on the public for day-to-day running?
The year has been equally challenging and strengthening, it actually reminded us of words once said by Hugh Miller –“Problems are only opportunities with thorns on them.” In the year 2017, we had wished to handover the much needed building, boys residential unit, which would have seen 40 of our boys being well sheltered, under a child dignifying roof over their heads. Given the economic condition our country is faced with, the building remains under construction and boys of the home are still sheltered in an overcrowded, old double garage. Financially the home has seen over 50% decline in donations – in-kind and monetary.
We smile, as we get ready to leap into the year 2018, New Jerusalem Children’s Home has made a few wishes for the year ahead. Our vision for the coming year, is to try and have another year of the organisations running, to still be relevant and serving the children, most importantly to be well aligned with funding needs of individuals, corporates and organisational funders. Our coming year’s biggest wish, is to first have the boys of our home being well sheltered in a boys residential unit, secondly to attain financial support for the educational aftercare program of the home, a key educational program that support children with all their educational needs.
In the coming year, it is our wish to have a dedicate partner(s) to support our home operational needs – assist us with monthly groceries, cleaning and laundry needs. Printing remain a biggest need in our organisation, we wish to have a partner – who can assist us with our printing needs, attaining the above mentioned will be a much bigger victory for our 2018 operational year.
Given all the challenges and opportunities the year has posed to us, there has been noticeable success, New Jerusalem Children’s Home, kept its doors open to this very same day, it is still operating with the same number of personnel it started the year 2017 with. The continues running of the home has been made possible by you, your support and love for our home has made it possible for us to remain a home for 88 children throughout the year 2017.
As you are about to travel, to you many different destinations, to spending time with friends and family, to taking a deep breath and enjoying the sunny festive mornings – New Jerusalem Children’s Home, thanks you for your unwavering support, we are humbled by your nature of answering a call to give again and again towards our work and children. We encourage all men and women to please spend time with their families and friends, you have spent most of your time with us over the past 11 months, encouraging us and ensuring that we keep on moving forward, share all the successful stories with your families, let them all know of your good works – you are doing with us, with New Jerusalem Children’s Home.
New Jerusalem Children’s Home, wishes you a warm, safe and happy festive period.