Please meet Benny Mbathane, a 14 year old daughter of New Jerusalem Children’s Home, doing her first year in high school, Grade 8 – her passionate and dedicated towards paving a different and a better path for her life and siblings through education, has given her the best to look forward to throughout attaining better education in a private high school institution.
New Jerusalem Children’s Home – expos the beneficiaries of the home into the world outside the home, the organisation takes the children to universities, corporates, national heritage centres and private schools near and around the home. The aim, being to introduce them to the world outside walls of the home and to broaden their life horizons, giving them something to look forward to in their daily lives.
Benny Mbathane, on the other hand got interested into one of the schools we took her and other children of the home, Blue Hills College. During the 2017 schools open day and public call for application and scholarship exam period, Benny Mbathane reminded the home’s centre manager of the dates, she asked to be taken to the school, to write the scholarships exams. Her love and passion for education and a strong need for a better tomorrow – during the scholarship exams, she performed remarkably well.
The young and ever smiling daughter of the home, was awarded a full tuition scholarship, allowing her to study on a fully paid scholarship at Blue Hills College. She is transformed, more dedicated and looking forward to making the best use of the given educational opportunity in a privet institution. The home rejoices and is more thankful for having children who see opportunities and treasures them in a way Benny did.
Blue Hills College, is one of the respected educational institution, known for its best pass rate and student discipline across its educational and child development programs. The school is about 15km away from the home, the classes and sporting activities run from 7:30 till 16h00 Monday to Friday. As much as we wish for the best, for her to attain the very best for her tomorrow, we wish not to be a reason for her poor performance at this respected school.
Blue Hills College has a residential facility for its learners, which we believe Benny can benefit from, the residential facilities at Blue Hills College, can best give her enough time to study and engage with her peers for learning and studying with easy, she will not have to wake up too early in the morning – to be transported to school. Remembering that New Jerusalem Children’s Home, has limited transportation. The school awarded her scholarship, which covers her tuitions only, we would like you to please assist us with sponsorship to cover for her residential needs at the school. The cost for her residential, is in the range of R32 000-00 annually.
New Jerusalem Children’s Home, believes that her residing within the school, will improve her educational performance, given that her only focus will be learning, without worrying about the amount of time it will take driver to drop her of at school, not having to wait longer for the driver to pick her up from school, after the school’s day program, please remember that New Jerusalem Children’s Home has limited transport resources.
We know how much you believe in the betterment of a child, more through education, we believe in you. Please assist us with her residential needs at the school, contact us on | 082 739 5177 | 010 224 0458. You are welcome to make your support direct to New Jerusalem Children’s Homes.
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